Saturday, September 29, 2007

Animal abuse - my vote against it

Today I'm writing quite a different post. It's my voice and my vote against animal abuse - I see this problem in my country, but also in the whole world...One of my best friends often says "the better I know people the more I like animals" - unfortunately, I am for this opinion, which in a very sad way reveals the fact that human beings as such have more evil in themselves than they should have. According to people who believe in God, we are created in such a way that we resemble Him...looking at many people I doubt it. Of course, there are thousands of very valuable people, but they are in a minority.... I think so, looking at many families - with a problem of child abuse, at many relationships - based on abuse, cruelty, at many societies - in which there are so many crimes, at some nations - who fight in Iraq and in other countries. Our world is filled with cruelty and most people are ready to do everything for power, money etc. , even destroy their own species and nature.If you do not see it, you must be blind.The world of animals is much different - more honest, based on the laws of nature, deprived of stupidity, so typical in human world... If you want to see a better world, admire some fascinating species (reptiles - monitors, lizards and many others like frogs, snakes - look at it is a Polish website, but in the gallery you'll see the fascinating world of wonderful animals.


mrsnesbitt said...

The more people I meet the more I love my dog! She is wonderful and yes she was rescued. Wilma, our German Shepherd.


PS Remind me to tell you of my godmother's husband, Uncle Bron, he came to UK from Poland, during the war. He escaped and came over to UK.

wilbau said...

Thank you for taking time and making a comment in the discussion on religion - science - politics abuse.

The fact of cruelty in the world and all this other sad stuff, ... surely, that can cause this thing which is called in German 'Weltschmerz'.

If I concentrate on this I can hardly go on, it's somehow paralyzing. And maybe it would make me just to curse everything.

You know, maybei it's got something to do with the optimist - pessimist situation. One sais the glass is half full and the other sais that the glass is half empty.

Thank you again.
Love and greetings to Poland!

Anonymous said...

nice blog

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Bravo!!! for your post.