Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How to say goodbye?

It was very late and probably Amelia would have slept her wonderful dreams if she hadn't been listening to her dad's monologue for five hours. In fact, she wasn't able to focus on his words, his harsh voice aroused anger in poor Amelia. But Eddie didn't pay attention to his daughter's reactions and feelings. He simply wanted to make her answer two simple questions: "where were you so long?" and "who was with you?" You may wonder if this guy was really mad talking to her daughter this way. Mind you, Amelia at that time was a 26-year-old, responsible and serious woman (not a kid)...No, he wasn't mad - maybe scared, as two hours before Amelia came home, he had answered the phone. During the conversation - he heard sth like that:
"If your daughter doesn't leave us alone, we will send you a parcel and you will find the dust of your beloved Amelia in it".
It must have been a shock for a man like him, as he began shaking throwing down the phone and crying like a small kid. Eddie realized tha Amelia had problems, and as he knew nothing about cults - he thought,
"My little daughter must meet criminals. That's obvious. But how shall I make her tell me the truth? Maybe if I insist she will tell me, yeah she will!"
But she didn't do it at all-all the time Amelia was sitting as if she was paralyzed. She wasn't able to say a word, all of it seemed to be a nightmare. She hated his father for telling her about the phone call. She hated him for revealing the truth, depriving her of illusions. She had to escape from him in order not to get mad. Her imagination let her disappear very quickly... Once again Amelia was sitting on Bogdan's knees on the sofa, feeling his delicate touch and hearing the words of love... But it didn't work long, after a while an angry voice of Eddie woke her from daydreaming. You can't escape from the real world no matter how much you will try, can you?
Next day Amelia met Bogdan just to tell him about that phone call and her hard night, giving him a choice "if you wanna be with me, leave the cult and go with me abroad". And he chose...the cult, sacrificed their friendship, love for the Moonists. Amelia couldn't believe that she wasn't that important...So she said goodbye to her beloved and no doubt, it has been one of the most painful goodbyes in her lifetime...

1 comment:

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