Thursday, March 8, 2007

Love, sex and politics

It was 13th December, 1981 - Sunday, 7 a.m. - Amelia was lying in her bed and dreaming, when suddenly she heard the harsh voice of her neighbour screaming to her daughter, "Damn, switch the radio on - you know, I'm gonna listen to the mass!". To her mother's surprise, the girl wasn't able to fulfil her request... you may ask, why? What happened to the radio of this lady? In fact, nothing happenened. It was simply the beginning of the exceptional "state of war" in Poland introduced by General W.Jaruzelski...
Amelia and her parents were shocked, when they noticed that there are no programmes on TV, on radio etc., it was not possible to make phone calls... Soon it appeared that all the leaders and more important members of Solidarity were "imprisoned", but not in jails, but in special places, which looked like guesthouses. The streets of Cracow and other cities were "guarded" by the police (called at that time "milicja") and the army. Nobody could leave his house after 11 p.m. There was no free press, no right to organize gatherings - but underground, there was a true life of Poland, thanks to help from the USA and some European coutries, people had hope and did their best to survive. So there was illegal, but free press and the illegal demonstrations were organized outside churches. People were often beaten and arrested by the police, but nobody gave up!!!
Meanwhile, Amelia, who was deeply involved in politics thanks to her dad and boyfriend, fell in love again... This time she had an unfulfilled object of her feeling called Arthur (a tall young man with black hair and brown eyes) - at whom she could stare for hours...Apart from Arthur, who did not pay much attention to her, there was another boy called Przemek. He was her true friend, in fact the best friend - they trusted each other and liked so much that after some time they felt sth more important. Przemek and Amelia spent together most of their free time - talking about school, music, politics and friendship. Amelia understood that this tall boy with long hair and dark complexion is extremely intelligent and sensitive, too. When he was caught by the police (ZOMO), arrested, beaten so much - she really sufferred together with him.
When the state of war was finished, Amelia was preparing for her final exams. Meanwhile her mum bore another child - whom Amelia called Dagmara (it was her first and the only sister). Amelia seemed to be so happy, but soon she lost her love, or rather a part of it. It was June - Przemek came to Amelia for her nameday, they were eating cakes, drinking champagne. Sudddenly the boy told her that he must marry a girl, whom he had met some time ago at the party. There was a lot of alcohol there, he got drunk and slept with her. After the event he didn't remember anything, but after a few months this girl together with her mum came to his home... and demanded the quick wedding!!!
I think, I do not have to tell you, what Amelia was feeling, some of you must have felt it - despair, pain and sadness. She was betrayed and felt deserted by someone, who seemed to be the love of her life....One night between him and a girl broke Amelia's heart...

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